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Rio Olympics and the Zika Virus

As the 2016 Olympics approach, there have been concerns over the health risk of the Zika virus in the hosting city of Rio. Brazil was one of the first countries to be affected by the spread of the mosquito born virus.  Here’s what the world’s fastest man, Usain Bolt has to say about the situation.

Can Usain Bolt outrun a Zika mosquito?

Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt, who is preparing for this summer’s Olympic games, was asked recently about the Zika epidemic in the host country of Brazil. No worries, he said. “Because I’m fast,” he joked in a May 18 interview on NBC’s Today. “They can’t catch me.”

Of course, this is all said in jest. However, the Zika virus is a legitimate threat to the games. The following video demonstrates how some of the athletes that are competing are not even fully aware of the dangers.

The Zika virus threat has been rising in further parts of the world, with the number of reported cases rising in the United States, so spreading awareness and making sure as many people know about it is paramount.

NASA map shows moderate risk of Zika virus in Virginia

NASA scientists have created a map to better target future search-and-destroy missions for the deadliest animal on the planet, the female Aedes aegypti mosquito. The blood-sucking females are responsible for the spread of dangerous diseases such as yellow and dengue fevers, chikungunya and now Zika.

If you are not familiar with how to protect yourself from mosquitoes and this potentially harmful disease, it’s time to do some research. Make it your contribution to health awareness and if you are travelling to Brazil to spectate or participate (or any other part of the world for that matter), do everyone a favor and educate yourself on not only Zika but anything else that may be of risk to your health and safety.