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You Don’t Have To Tolerate Mosquitos in Your Gainesville, VA Residence

Like most people, you probably hate mosquitos. Unfortunately, they are common throughout Prince William County, VA. They can be the cause of sleepless nights as they loudly buzz around you at night, so you can’t ignore them. Plus, they have this sneaky behavior that makes them difficult to trace. You wouldn’t know where they were hiding. And even if you did, the rate at which they multiply is just incredible. To top it all off, they pose a serious threat to you and your family’s health.


What to do? Over the years, several methods of mosquito control have come up. One of them is the use of Deet which is widely used in the U.S. However, there has been concern over its use…

Mosquito control

A 2018 Consumer Reports nationally representative survey of 2,052 adults found that 25 percent of Americans said they avoid using insect repellents with deet. And about a third said they thought repellents containing deet are not as safe as those that don’t have the chemical.

CR reviewed the scientific literature and spoke with scientists who have studied the chemical. Here’s a rundown of what the research shows and what you need to know.

What Exactly Is Deet?
Deet (known to chemists as N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide) is a yellowish liquid that, when applied to skin or clothing, repels a number of biting insects, including mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. Read more at Consumer Reports…

Although scientists consider Deet to be safe when used properly, many people are still concerned about its toxic properties. No one would blame you for looking into alternative options for keeping mosquitos at bay. So the search continues to ensure you don’t get a mosquito bite.

Mosquito Control

Electronic mosquito repellents

Thankfully, Deet isn’t the only option you have. There are other devices that can help to alleviate the problem without the terrible smells. Here are some of the electronic solutions you might consider:

What is the best electronic mosquito repellent in 2020? Definitely, it is THERMACELL which has shown the highest effectiveness among electronic repellers. The device comes with repellent mats that are activated by the heating element, releasing a very effective insecticide — allethrin. Entomologists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have found out that even small doses of allethrin can reduce the number of biting insects.

If you need a mosquito repellent for the patio to protect your family and guests from mosquitoes across a 15’ area – you will like Thermacell Radius Zone Mosquito Repeller Gen 2.0 with allethrin repellent cartridges. Read more at Stop Pest Info…

Thank goodness for technology and continued research. However, you may also be looking for an option that discourages mosquitos from turning your yard into their breeding spot.

Mosquito Control

Outdoor repellents

The fact is, as long as your outdoor spaces can accommodate mosquitoes, you will probably have to deal with a steady stream of them coming inside on a daily basis. So, for the naturalists out there, the following options may sound appealing:

12 Plants to Use as a Natural Mosquito Repellent
Have you ever noticed that insects or even rabbits and other animals have never decimated your lavender plant? It is because of their lovely fragrance, which comes from its essential oils that are found on the leaves of the plant. It is even argued that lavender oil hinders a mosquito’s ability to smell! This plant is very tough and drought-resistant once established, and only needs full sun and good drainage. And while it can endure many climates, it thrives in warmer areas. Read more at Garden Design…

In essence, combating these bugs will need a multi-faceted approach. You want to use a good combination of solutions that will get rid of mosquitos and protect your health.

So what should you do if you still notice mosquitoes in your home even after taking the above approaches? One solution you should definitely include on your list is our mosquito control service. In fact, it’s the only solution you need for your home, so you won’t have to deal with the inconvenience of multiple options.

At Backyard Bug Patrol, we have a hate-hate relationship with mosquitos. Our professional mosquito control and eradication services available in Gainesville, VA are 100% organic and have been tested and found trustworthy over the past 10 years. Reach out to us for a bug-free home and excellent customer service while at it.