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Tag Archives: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

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What Do You Know About Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?

Tick control in Columbia, MD and any other part of the American continent is a major concern. That’s because these pests are disease vectors, transmitting deadly diseases if not managed properly. But for the residents of Columbia, MD, also named […]

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Tick Problems To Watch Out For In Triangle, VA

Ticks have become a year-long menace in Prince William County, VA as well as other areas of the U.S. In fact, although the official tick season is usually between April and September, some experts in Virginia are now saying that […]

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No Such Thing As “Just A Tick Bite”

Good old Ben Franklin said “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. While a lot has changed in the nearly 300 years since he stated this, a lot has stayed the same. When it comes to ticks, […]

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