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How To Stay Mosquito-Prepared In Annapolis, MD

Like most people, you may be spending a lot more time at home with your family.  The silver lining, of course, is that many of us could do with a little more time with our loved ones. And with the weather growing warmer in Annapolis, MD, you can bet that our yards will quickly become our favorite place to be.

mosquito control

The bad news is that as Spring settles in and Summer draws closer, our yards will also become a favorite hiding spot for mosquitos. And unfortunately, their annoying buzzing sounds and bites are not the only problems associated with mosquitos, especially if you live in Maryland. The West Nile Virus, for instance, has been a news item during most, if not all, mosquito seasons:

The number of human WNV cases in Maryland has varied greatly from year to year. In 2003, there were 73 cases. In 2012, there were 47 cases; in 2015, 46 cases; and in 2018, 45 cases.

…Most individuals (4 out of 5) infected with WNV will not have any symptoms. People who do develop illness usually will have any combination of fever, headache, body aches, skin rash vomiting, or diarrhea. These symptoms generally appear 2 to 14 days following the bite of an infected mosquito. Read more from the Maryland Department of Health…

mosquito control

You don’t want anything compromising your immunity or that of a loved one, so it’s best to play it safe. Simple measures like wearing long pants and long sleeves really help, since mosquitos can’t bite through clothing. It’s also important to do your part to ensure your yard is not attractive to them.

Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so removing standing water around your home will help reduce the number of new mosquitoes there.

  • Clean gutters and make sure they drain well.
  • Corrugated drain pipe attached to downspouts hold water and are a prime place for mosquitoes to breed. Use a smooth drain pipe or cover the open end of a corrugated drain pipe with a piece of pantyhose secured with a rubber band.
  • Twice a week, check and remove water that may be standing in trash and recycling cans, flower pot saucers, children’s and pet toys, wading pools, tires, tarps or plastic sheeting. Read more at AAWSA…

mosquito control

Mosquitos are a big-enough problem in Maryland for state and local governments to do something about them. Here’s an example from last year of one such effort:

Schamberger said Maryland has begun its annual spraying for the mosquitoes. The process involves trucks driving through neighborhoods and releasing a spray that prevents mosquitoes from reaching the age of a biting adult.

Residents who see the trucks should go indoors and bring animals inside for at least 20 minutes, which is about how long it takes for the spray to dissipate. Since the product is nonresidual, anything left outside during a spraying doesn’t pose a threat to people or pets, said Schamberger. Read more at WTOP News…

mosquito control

Mosquito season doesn’t officially start until May, so you probably won’t see the spray trucks for the next few weeks. However, this doesn’t stop you from keeping your home mosquito-free should you notice them in your house or yard. Contact Backyard Bug Patrol today for safe and effective mosquito control solutions.