Some of the most common spiders found in Virginia and Maryland include the common house spider (or American spider), the wolf spider, the brown recluse spider, and the black widow. House spiders, in particular, have fangs that they use to […]
..Some of the common spiders you can find in Virginia include Black Widow, Cellar Spider, Trapdoor Spider, and the Brown Recluse. Others are the Giant Lichen OrbWeaver Spider, Wolf spider, European Garden Spider, and the Running Crab Spider. From these […]
Did you know that the smartest arachnid is the Jumping spider also known as the Portia fimbriata? Jumping spiders got their name from their unique ability to jump especially when pouncing on their prey. Before you start thinking you will […]
Very few people would be comfortable enough to sit still in a room infested with spiders. No wonder the “Fear Factor” series would include a spider challenge- sleeping in a box and having spiders poured on the contestant. For starters, […]
Spiders are a common creature and they’ve been around for ages. Even when you travel to another continent, you’re not likely to miss coming across a spider web. No wonder someone thought of scripting the famous Spiderman movie series. You […]
Spiders are part of the few wild creatures found in all places all over the world. It’s no surprise the movie Spiderman was so popular. This movie almost made it cool to be bitten by a spider. However, no one […]