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Protect Your Loved Ones From Mosquito-Borne Diseases In Centreville, VA

The mosquito population in Fairfax County is starting to increase as the weather gets warmer. Like most people, you and your loved ones are probably spending a lot more time in your yard. Unfortunately, that’s also why you need to be concerned about mosquitoes.

mosquito control

Experts point to early spikes in pest populations this year. Most of the U.S. is currently experiencing warm and wet weather, and Centreville, VA is no exception. This kind of weather will allow mosquitoes and other pests to thrive throughout spring and summer.

“Coast to coast, our country experienced unseasonably warm and wet conditions this winter, allowing certain pest populations not usually seen during this time of year to surge in population,” said Jim Fredericks, Ph.D., chief entomologist for the NPMA. “These conditions allowed vector pests such as ticks, responsible for the spread of Lyme disease, and mosquitoes, common vectors of West Nile virus, Zika virus and Eastern equine encephalitis to get a jumpstart on activity, and with more warm and wet weather predicted for summer across most of the U.S., we’ll likely see these populations, and others, rapidly expand.” Read more at PCT Online…

One of the problems associated with mosquitoes is the fact that they can infect human beings with different ailments. In fact, they are considered the deadliest animal on earth. You’ve probably heard a lot about dengue and the West Nile virus, but that’s not all.

mosquito control


Another serious disease that mosquitoes can transmit to human beings is Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). The reason why you may not have heard so much about it is that it is less prevalent. According to the CDC, only about seven cases are reported annually in the U.S. However, for the few that contract it, it’s a serious health risk.

 “EEE can result in one of two types of illness, systemic or encephalitic, with encephalitic being the deadlier of the two.”

According to Parada, once bitten by an infected mosquito, those who contract the virus may start to experience flu-like symptoms such as chills, fever and joint pain, which usually last for one to two weeks. Most people make a full recovery, but about four to five percent of those infected develop the encephalitic form of EEE which affects the brain and causes symptoms including vomiting and convulsions. Read more at Business Wire…

One reason why EEE is so serious is that once there is inflammation of the brain, the victim becomes disoriented, gets seizures and could end up in a coma. About 33% of sufferers die from this disease, and many of its survivors have to live with significant brain damage. There’s no vaccine as yet, which is why prevention is the best solution at this time.

Something else that you as a homeowner in Centreville, VA should be aware of is just how quickly mosquitoes can multiply right in your yard.

Stay Safe

Any area in your yard that is warm and wet is a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes, which is why you shouldn’t leave anything to chance. Seemingly harmless things like birdbaths can quickly turn into the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Regularly look out for and get rid of any standing water in your yard. As little as half an inch of water is enough for them to happily breed in their thousands.

mosquito control

For even greater protection from mosquito-borne diseases, get in touch with Backyard Bug Patrol. Our team will treat your yard, creating a protective barrier that will repel mosquitoes.  Not only that but when you become our seasonal contract customer, you’ll get to enjoy a 100% guarantee on services. Call today!