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Tag Archives: stink bugs

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Types of Stink Bugs: What You Should Know

As their name suggests, stink bugs release a foul or stinking smell when they are squashed; a mechanism meant to keep predators away. They belong to the order Hemiptera, and family Pentatomidae.
Stink bugs can do great harm to your garden […]

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What You Should Be Aware Of Before Stink Bugs Appear

Did you know that Reston, VA was founded by Robert E. Simon? And that the goal of the town was to have a community where people could live their whole lives without the need for long commutes? Now you do. […]

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What You Need To Know About Stink Bugs This Christmas

Stink bugs are just like their names suggest- they really stink. In fact, stink bugs are known to emit various smells and you wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end. Christmas is coming and no one wants to have […]

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Watch Out For Stink Bugs as The Temperature Drops

Cold temperature is the signal to all nature to minimize activity and hibernate- except human beings, of course. Out in the wild, very few animals maintain their regular daily routine. Some hide in caves, while others look for safe places […]

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These Three Animals Have One Thing In Common With Stink Bugs- They Stink Too!

Stink bugs didn’t get their name as a joke, they actually stink. Yuck! And yes, it is a defense mechanism. You really don’t want to be on the receiving end. As disgusting as it is, this is a rather interesting […]

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Three Facts About Stink Bugs You Didn’t Know

There’s no bug that has conquered state after state by hitchhiking like the stink bug. And if you weren’t too sure, yes do they stink. The dangerous thing in this conquest mission is that the female egg can lay 400 […]

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Don’t Forget About Stink Bugs As You Anticipate The End Of Winter

You’re probably wondering why you should bother about stink bugs at this time of the year. They may be out of sight but they are definitely out there somewhere. In winter, stink bugs know where to hide and hibernate. You’ll […]

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What To Do About The Smelly Affair That Is Stink Bugs in Clinton, MD

Stink bugs are not indigenous to America; they are originally from Asia. This, however, does not mean that they are shy about doing what they know best. They will buzz around you and make you uncomfortable. Then, when you get […]

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Natural Solutions For Eliminating Stink Bugs In Pasadena, MD

Living in Pasadena MD is great thanks to the amazing people here and all the nice places you could visit in Anne Arundel. However, while you leave the house to enjoy yourself at Downs Park, you don’t really want your […]

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How To Keep Your Home Stinkbug-Free in Linthicum Heights, MD

One of the must-visit places that the residents of Linthicum Heights, MD are proud to call theirs is the National Electronics Museum. On the other hand, you won’t hear any locals boasting about the possible stinkbug infestations that could occur […]

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