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A Quick Look at Factors Encouraging Tick Multiplication

Whenever you face a life-threatening situation, it is vital to establish your survival strategy. This could mean considering a flight or fight response. Most times, your choice will depend on your strength and that of your opponent. For example, your response will be worlds apart if you’re facing a lion as opposed to a tick. Even so, sometimes the risk may be greater than it seems – such as in the case of a tick. This post will help you appreciate these risks and the factors that increase your chances of exposure to this pest.

Climate Change

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There is an undeniable concern over climate change in the world today. Not only does it mean there are different weather patterns, it also means something significant in the prevalence of pests. Here are some facts about climate change and the dreaded tick-borne illness – Lyme:

Climate change will have the following effects on Lyme disease: An acceleration of the tick’s developmental cycle, a prolonged developmental cycle, increased egg production, increased population density, and a broader range of risk areas. The ideal habitat for these disease-carrying ticks is one with 85% humidity and a temperature higher than 45°F. The tick finds a suitable microclimate by using its thermoreceptors. Once the larvae have molted into the nymphal stage, the winter forces them to remain dormant until spring. An adult tick no longer needs to hibernate during the winter, so these ticks may become active on warm winter days, yielding a larger nymph population the following year. With an earlier winter thawing, nymphal-staged ticks will become active sooner. Read more at Carleton…

So, there’s more to think about anytime you hear about climate change since it does have a direct impact on your health, where ticks are concerned!

More Host Species

Rodent Control

Changes in the climate can also have an impact on the animals that are perfect hosts for ticks. Here are some details on some of them:

Other factors that affect the number of Lyme disease cases include changes in the populations of host species (particularly deer), which affect tick population size. The percentage of ticks that are infected depends on the prevalence and infection rates of white-footed mice and certain other hosts. Host species populations and habitats can be affected by climate change and other ecosystem disturbances. Human exposure to infected ticks is also influenced by factors such as changes in the proximity of human populations to ticks and other hosts, increased awareness of Lyme disease, and modified behaviors, such as spending less time outdoors, taking precautions against being bitten, and checking more carefully for ticks. Occupation influences exposure, as people who work outdoors, like farmers and landscapers, may be especially at risk. Read more at EPA…

Generally, warmer climates favor the multiplication of most animals. So, ticks will not only multiply, they’ll also have host options.

Other Human Activities

flea control

Human behavior also has an effect on the spread of tick-borne illnesses. This is especially so where these activities tend to take place near tick habitats. The following post explains more:

The clearing of forest for housing and other infrastructure is bringing humans into closer contact with animals that carry disease, such as ticks. Meanwhile, rising temperatures are allowing ticks to become active earlier in the year and then feed deep into autumn, giving them a better chance of surviving winter…

Keesing lives in upstate New York and has recently noticed more nearby hikers than she can ever remember in the past. Her region has had Lyme disease for decades but is now being assailed by a brew of new bacteria-based diseases carried by ticks, including anaplasmosis, which can cause fever and chills, and a rare but “frightening” condition called Powassan virus, which can be fatal. Read more at The Guardian…

Clearly, there is a lot to watch out for in these times of climate change and changing human activities. To be sure you and your loved ones are safe from the risks that ticks present, you’ll do well to work with the experts.

At Backyard Bug Patrol, we have mastered the art of keeping ticks away from residential homes. We will be glad to tick-proof your home and ensure you and those you love are safe. Call us today for the best tick-control plan in town.